Over the course of Respiratory Protection Week, we’ll be hosting webinars and sharing our industry insight to help raise awareness and understanding of why respiratory protection is so important.

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7-10 September, 2021

Respiratory protection is a critical component of safety for multiple industries and applications– from healthcare and chemical settings, through to the profoundly harsh environments of foundries. Without the use of respirators, people’s health and lives are placed at risk.

Respiratory Protection Week was first started by NIOSH and this will be its third year running. Click here to learn more.

RPB is excited to participate in Respiratory Protection Week and promote the importance of respiratory protection. Below is a few ways you can join us and get involved this year:


RPB1683 Respiratory Protection Week Webinar Thumbnail Facial Hair 2

September 7th: Facial Hair

Find out just how dangerous facial hair can be for your respiratory protection, health and to your business as we tackle this hairy topic!

Register here
RPB1683 Respiratory Protection Week Webinar Thumbnail N95 PAPR

September 9th: N95 vs. PAPR

Join RPB as we explore the real cost of N95s vs PAPRs as we take you through in-depth analysis of these types of respiratory protection.

Register here


Articles and Resources

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RPB Learning Hub

The RPB Learning Hub has a range of courses on respiratory protection and industry standards.